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Hi! Welcome to Crumbs & Caramel!

Crumbs & Caramel is for anyone who loves food…delicious, healthy but sometimes indulgent food.  Eating plant-based doesn’t mean missing out on the types of foods and dishes you may eat (or may have eaten) as an omnivore or vegetarian. I still want to enjoy those comforting and recognizable foods, too, but just without the animal products.

All too often, there’s the pressure to eat 100% ultra-clean or to entirely revamp your taste buds when adopting a plant-based diet. I look forward to sharing recipes for food you recognize, love and CRAVE.  There are recipes here sure to satisfy everyone, whether you’re vegan, vegan-curious or simply looking for a new recipe to try!

I started this blog because I want to share my love of food with others. I’ve loved baking and cooking since I was a kid, and my grandmother played a big part in fostering that love. We would have baking dates when I was small, gushed over the latest recipes we had tried, and went grocery shopping together to check out the latest products.  I completed my University degree in Food Science and Nutrition, and once I moved across the country, we would chat on the phone about each other’s recent kitchen antics and emailed each other our favorite recipes. Even though she was not vegan or vegetarian, plant-based food preparation really intrigued her and it was often her who showed me the latest vegan technique on altering a recipe.

She and I had always dreamed about writing a cookbook together. She taught me a lot in the way of traditional cooking and baking techniques, as well as tricks for making due with what you’ve got considering she’d lived through war times. Sadly she passed away before we put together a book, and so this blog is dedicated to her. She may not be here writing it with me, but her voice is in my head as I write, the recipes she gave me over the years are being shared, and the things she taught me are important contributors to this blog which I am so happy to share with you. I love hearing from you, so please reach out if you have questions or comments about what you see here or the recipes you try!

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